Introduction to Layouts

Layouts are customizable to make interacting with your data easy.

Layouts let you customize how your data is displayed in three different places:

The List Layouts are powered by data you upload to your app.

By default, the List layout will show all rows in your data table. In the case of our Sales app, the list view will show all meetings.

To edit a List layout:

  1. Click the page you want to edit in the app menu

List layout customization options

When you edit a List layout, you will be able to:

  • Filter records depending on a field value

  • Sort your list

  • Add a photo or colored header

  • Set a cover image for each record

  • Set the display type

  • Enable inline filters

  • Choose which fields will show

  • Edit the field displays

  • Add action buttons

  • Edit the Quick Menu options

Tip: You can have multiple List layouts for the same table by duplicating your list layout.

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