Field Types

Add a new field

  1. Select Fields

  2. Select Add new

  3. Give the field a name and choose the field type

Field TypeDescriptionDisplay options

Short Text

A single line of text - e.g suggested for names, titles, emails and short details.

Long Text

A longer, multi-line text field - e.g suggested for notes, comments and descriptions.

Rich Text

A longer, multi-line text field with text formatting options - e.g You can add headers, hyperlinks and code blocks. Suggested for notes, comments and descriptions.

Display in a Document Layout


A value formatted in your chosen currency - e.g prices, revenue and payment details.

Choose the currency label to use.


Any type of numeric value - e.g number of products.


A percentage-formatted value - e.g growth stats, churn stats etc.

Display your percentage as a progress bar or ring.


A single checkbox that can be checked or unchecked - e.g allow users to check a box to show they have read and understood the information.

Display Check box fields:

Single Select

Select a single option from predefined dropdown options. Suggested for statuses - e.g. To Do, In Progress, Done.

Assign colors to your different options.

Multiple Select

Select multiple options from predefined dropdown options e.g users can select multiple products.

Assign colors to your different options.


Enter a date or pick one from a calendar - e.g users can select a date for events.

Date and Time

Enter a date and a time, or pick from the calendar - e.g users can include a time for an event.

Link to another record

Link to a record in another table - e.g Link a user to their profile. Use dynamic data filtering to limit what records can be selected in a drop down.

Link to multiple records

Link to records from another table - e.g Link orders to users. Use dynamic data filtering to limit what records can be selected in a drop down.

Lookup related value

Show a specific field from a linked table. Filter records on your lookups using data filters.

Roll-up related records

Display different results of a field based on related records. Filter records on your rollups using data filters.

  • Number of related records

  • Count values...

  • Count unique values...

  • Sum...

  • Average...

  • Min...

  • Max...

Created Date

Field will auto fill with the date the record was created.

Created By

Field will auto fill with the user profile of the person who created the record.


Calculate a value based on other fields in the same record. Start typing for formula suggestions.

Display your formula as a percentage, number or currency.


Add images, documents or other files -e.g Profile images, invoices.

Record ID

Field auto populates with the record ID associated the record.


Create a field that will automatically assign numbers to records.

Last updated Date

Field will update with the date field is last updated.

Last updated by

Field will update with the user profile field of who last updated it.


Display a link.

Display as a button, open in a new tab

Last updated