What is the difference between a workspace, a portal and an app? How do my users login?
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What is the difference between a workspace, a portal and an app? How do my users login?
Last updated
A workspace is your internal teams zone for workflows and managing data. Host your internal teams here to run processes separate from your end users.
Workspace users login with their email and password.
Create a customized portal for your end users to access a space for them with a custom domain and logo. This includes apps, customized layouts, and data can be shared between your internal workspace and portals.
Portal users login using their email and receive email verification with a login link.
Apps are where your data processes and workflows run. Your data is imported into the data grid within the app and layouts are created and designed here. Apps are part of your portals or your workspaces. You can grant individual or group access to apps individually to make sure only relevant people can access the app.