Creating Buttons
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You can use buttons to highlight a link on your detail layouts. You can create buttons in a few ways:
Using a URL in a field
Using a highlight widget
Using a banner widget
Using a URL field to create buttons means you can have different URLs for different records. To do this you will need to use a URL field type to create this button.
Click Edit Layout
Drag a field widget onto the layout
Toggle the URL field
Hover over the field until a pencil icon appears and click the pencil
Check Display as button
Choose a title for your button
In our Hiring app, we use a button to highlight the applicants' LinkedIn profiles.
Click Edit Layout
Drag a highlight widget onto the layout
Toggle the URL field
Hover over the field until a pencil icon appears and click the pencil
Check Display as button
Choose a title for your button
Click Edit Layout
Drag a banner widget onto the layout
Fill out the relevant information
Using the banner widget creates a button that will show on all layouts.
You can add any URLs you like including taking the users to another page of the app.
Action Buttons
Use Action buttons on detail layouts and list layouts to update records.