Zapier Integration
Who can use this feature?
👤 Available onall plans.
With our Zapier integration you can use the following Stacker-related triggers and actions in Zapier.
Record Created
Record Edited
Record Deleted
Action Button Clicked
Create new record
Edit record
Search for a record
Create a new Zap
In order to use any of the Stacker triggers or actions in a Zap, sign into Zapier and select “Stacker” as either the trigger or action app respectively. Select any of the triggers or actions in Zapier as you would setting up any other Zapier integration.
You will need an API key from Stacker in order to integrate.
Click My Settings in your workspace
Select General
Copy the key under Integration Key
Use Action Button to trigger your Zap
Click Edit Layout
Click Page Buttons
Click Add New
Click the Settings Cog in the Steps modal
Pick Trigger Zapier
In Zapier, select the action button in the Trigger step. You’ll be able to identify the action button based on both the display name and step name you’ve chosen.