Creating lookups and rollups between tables
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Last updated
Stacker allows you to create lookup and roll-up fields directly within your app. This means you can pull together and summarise data from different data sources.
Lookups and Rollups each work over records which are linked by a relationship ("link to another record") field. So it only offers you tables where there is a valid relationship.
Click Manage fields and data
Click Fields > + Add field
Enter a field name
Select the Lookup or Roll-up field type
Select the linked record field to use in the Lookup or Roll-up.
Select the field from the linked record that you want to look up or roll-up.
Click Save
You should now have the new field on your Data Grid.
We suggest choosing a name that clearly reflects the data that will be pulled in or summarised, e.g. 'Client Notes Lookup'.
A lookup field shows a specific field from a linked table. On our Properties app we have created a lookup field from our Clients table to our Team table. Instead of showing the Primary field, this allows you to choose any field to display.
A roll-up field can display different results of a field based on related records.
Possible display options:
Number of related records
Count values...