Adding users to your app
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Add users to Stacker in two ways: by entering a user's email address or by connecting a user's table. You can give access to clients, external partners, customers, etc.
Add someone directly to your app via the Manage users pane.
Click select user or enter email address.
Invite a user by entering their email address
Click Invite to send the user an invitation email.
You can remove a user from your app by pressing on the '...' next to their name and clicking Remove from app.
After connecting a user table (see below), you will not be able to add users manually. You must add them to the Users table in your data source.
You can select a table in your data source to use as a User's table. You can do that from the Manage users pane
Click the Choose table button at the bottom of the pane.
Click Select table and choose the table that contains the list of users.
Click Select field and choose the field that contains the email addresses of your users.
Select Manual or Automatic
Check the list of users that appears in the Who Can Access section. Only the users in this list and your app administrators will be able to access your app.
Finally, click Connect.
Users added through external data sources will not be sent a welcome email. You must send them the link to log in to your app.
This allows you to manually select the users you would like to import from the users list
To remove a user: click the gear icon to open up the user table settings, then toggle off the user you want to remove.
If you connect a user table using Manual Mode, any users that were already added manually (incl. any collaborators) will be added as new records in the table you selected in your data source.
This allows you to import the complete list of users, or filter a list of users without the need for manual selection.
To remove a user: click the gear icon to open up the user table settings, then apply a filter to remove access for the user you want to delete. Alternatively, you can delete the record from the user table in your data source.
If you connect a user table on automatic mode, any users that were already added manually (incl. any collaborators) will be removed and you will need to add them as new records in the table in your data source in order to grant access.